Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday's Question (10-14)

If you could eliminate either crime or pollution, which would you choose and why?


  1. If I could end crime or pollution I would end crime because there is many people dying each day because of murder or other cruel things.

  2. If I could end pollution,I will because it not good for people and I think It's gonna be better if this world do not have a bad pollution.

  3. If i could end crime or pollution i would end pollution because pollution because if we stop this the it could be a better world for us and not everyone ending the world so earlier.

  4. If i could end crime or pollution I would end crime because a lot of people are dying every day

  5. if i could end crime i would so many people are getting hurt and dying out there almost every day.

  6. If I could I would eliminate crime because crime is more dangerous and our world would be much more calm if we didn't have crime.

  7. I would choose crime because people are killing and and kidnapping people on halloween. The killers are dressing as clowns. And they are scaring kids. CLOWNS DIE.....

  8. i would stop pollution because its destroying the ozone layer turbo duck out

  9. I would eliminate pollution because the animals r eating the trash and people r smelling the air pollution.The trash is every where.

  10. If I could end crime I would stop... Murder. because my pet chicken nugget got murdered by a chipmunk.
